A promising company that is going to lead the industry by providing customers exceptional quality Valves, Pipe Fittings, and other products.

Our Sister concern MARUTI STEEL was born as Instruments raw materials supplier from 1989. After long years of work experience now we are started SHREE MARUTI INSTRUMENTS PVT. LTD was born in 2016 as universal instruments & control dealing with control valves, accessories with a commitment towards highest level of customer satisfaction through high quality products with prompt and reliable customer support; the company has grown to become a leading control valve manufacturer and supplier to the process industries.

The vision of company is based on its high quality of production plants by means of sales activity in reliability, new developments with an creative sense and timely production and continuous innovation, undying commitment and elaborate customer interaction. The company strives to provide the best possible solution to the customer by listening and understanding the various needs of the customer.

Quality and Performance guarantee

SMIPL follows the quality standard as equivalent to the international standard. All major component parts are qualified with full material certification. We offer full guarantee on design and performance. All testing performed at SMIPL is in requirement of all standards

Manufacturing & testing facilities

Our manufacturing facilities are well equipped by modern state of the art manufacturing facilities products meeting customer need. The quality assurance and inspection standards adopted by us are as equivalent as to the international standard, and all products moving out of our unit bear a stamp of high degree of quality and reliability.

To satisfy customer rigorous & ever increasing quality requirements we have in house facility for special test Pneumatic test, Hydro static test, and Seat leakage test.
Design & Engineering

With an unrivalled blend of proven expertise, innovative design technology and skilled engineering, SMIPL has been leading the way in the severe service valves market. The valves are designed to accuracy and perfection using the advanced versions of software.

The key to success of our increasing number of client is our delivery terms. Our aim is to give the best value for money and time to our demanding customers. We have also significantly added to our manufacturing capacity to facilitate quicker delivery to our valued customers.

Customer Services
A well- stocked inventory of spare is positioned to respond to all sorts of problems, with regards to various types of valves within shortest possible time. The service department is fully geared up to react speedily to all customer inquiries and technical support in modification and developing customized solution meeting any emergency at the site.

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